About tristandc.com
The www.tristandc.com website is a joint Tristan Association - Tristan da Cunha Government partnership. It has been presenting information and news of Tristan da Cunha on behalf of the island community since March 2005. Our aim is to present the unique Tristan da Cunha Islands to a worldwide audience in an accessible and attractive format, whilst also providing 21st Century commercial marketing to a community remote from normal trading opportunities. Website traffic continues to rise every year.
We aim to be a one-stop source of accurate information and news on the world's most isolated community.
Website Team and our Contributors
The website is managed by volunteers Peter Millington (Webmaster) and Richard Grundy (Website Editor). They work in close collaboration with colleagues on the island, the Tristan Government's representatives in the UK, and the Tristan da Cunha Association, whose names appear on their respective contributions. Richard mostly looks after news items, and is also Editor of the Tristan da Cunha Newsletter. Peter also deals with news, but is mainly responsible for the technical aspects of the site.
We do not pay contributors, and any funds raised are for the benefit of the Tristan Community, not individuals. Contributions from visitors, islanders at home and abroad, and others interested in this unique community are always welcome, especially those who can contribute photographs free of copyright.
We welcome enquiries for advertising only from bona fide island partners who have existing links with the island so we do not compromise the site's integrity.
Contact our Website Editor on newseditor@tristandc.com for current rates.
Contacting us and our partners
Our Contacts Page gives email addresses for Tristan Government and Association Contacts. Our Links Page provides contacts with partner websites.
Copying and Publishing
A selected portfolio of high quality images is available to publishers - enquiries to the Website Editor newseditor@tristandc.com for details.