Its isolated location means that Tristan has a unique fauna and flora. It is a globally important breeding ground for seals and seabirds, including Rockhopper Penguins and Albatrosses.

Wildlife and Conservation

Explore the growing section as it is published to discover the extra-ordinary species only normally seen live by patient visitors willing to 'wait for a day' to explore often hostile habitats away from settlement

Also learn about Tristan's 21st Century Conservation which puts the community in the forefront of international Conservation research and management

There are regular features on Tristan wildlife and conservation in the Tristan da Cunha Newsletter, in addition to what appears on the website. Obtain your copy by joining the Tristan da Cunha Association.

Atlantic Yellow-Nosed Albatross Northern Rockhopper Penguin

Information Pages

  • Penguins - Find out about the Northern Rockhopper Penguin
  • Albatross - Three species of native Tristan da Cunha Albatross Species
  • Great Shearwaters - Endemic Sea-Bird to the Tristan Group with an amazing annual migration
  • Skuas & Terns - Tristan's Terns and Skuas
  • Vegetation - Tristan Islands' Vegetation Zones
  • Botany - Plants of the Tristan da Cunha Islands
  • Marine Life - Tristan's marine species
  • Whales - Tristan's Whales and Dolphins. See also: Whale News for news and pictures of sightings
  • Seals - Tristan's Antarctic Fur and Elephant Seals

Wildlife News Pages

Conservation Documents

We highly recommend the 'Field Guide to the Animals and Plants of Tristan da Cunha and Gough Island' edited by Peter Ryan which is the primary source for wildlife data on See the Bookshop for details.

Wildlife and Conservation Partnership

The Tristan da Cunha Government, through its Natural Resources Department, works in partnership with UK conservation organisations (e.g. RSPB and UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum). Individual projects have been funded by the UK Government's Darwin Initiative and Overseas Territories Environment Programme. Tristan has also benefited from ongoing support from staff at the University of Cape Town who are involved with on-going research into the Tristan da Cunha Islands' unique wildlife. The close links between these partners is reflected in team work to create and maintain the Wildlife and Conservation section of

RSPB International Website OTEP Website