- Annual Gatherings - About our Gatherings, plus photo reports on past years' gatherings
- Next Annual Gathering - The date and venue of the 2025 Gathering has not yet been set.
- Tristan da Cunha Newsletter - About our twice yearly magazine of Tristan news and history.
Including Contents Lists of past issues - Association News - Keep up to date with Association Matters
- Tristan Education Trust Fund - Information about the TDCA's education charity which ran from 2006-2021.
- Association Organisation - The current committee, trustees, officers and meetings
- Membership & Order Form - For your application, order and/or donation
- Gift Aid Form - UK tax payers can boost their subs & donations by 25% of Gift Aid for every £1 donated
- Association Shop - Information on membership and association products
- Allan Crawford - A tribute to our founder, the late Allan Crawford, and his work for Tristan da Cunha
About the Tristan da Cunha Association
Short History
The Tristan da Cunha Association (TDCA) was formed early in 1987 and officially launched at an inaugural meeting at the Royal Geographical Society in London on April 15th that year.
The TDCA founded the Tristan Education Trust Fund, a UK registered charity, in 2006
In December 2021 the TDCA was granted charity status by the UK Charity Commission. The Tristan Education Trust Fund was then closed and funds transferred to a dedicated Education Fund.
For the public benefit on the islands of Tristan da Cunha;
The advancement of education and training of resident Tristan da Cunha islanders by the provision of grants, bursaries and support to enable them to study including participating in study outside the islands;
Advancing the education of the public in Tristan da Cunha culture, traditions and economy and of the history, geography and wildlife of the islands;
The preservation and protection of life and property by providing grant funding to assist the community to prepare for and recover from natural or other disasters.
The TDCA is organised by a committee of members elected at the Annual General Meeting, usually held in Southampton during the Annual Gathering held on the Saturday after Easter. Membership is open to all who have an interest in Tristan da Cunha and consists of Tristan Islanders (resident and overseas), former expatriates who have worked on Tristan, and many visitors and friends throughout the world. The committee publish a Newsletter twice yearly which is distributed free to members including all Tristan families.
The TDCA raises money from membership subscriptions, donations and sales of products aiming to cover costs of producing newsletters and maintaining the joint Tristan Government - TDCA website www.tristandc.com as well as providing grants to the Tristab community in support of our Objects.
Membership and Products
New members are always welcome to join this unique association. Follow the link to the Association Shop page which gives details of membership, a range of products and link to an order form in easy-to-print black and white format for you to print out and return. Members are sent newsletters twice yearly, binders and additional copies can be purchased, and tickets can be booked for TDCA events.