Up to date population figures for Tristan da Cunha's 238 islanders, broken down by family and gender.

Population Update

10th September 2024, following the arrival of SA Agulhas II

  Tristan Resident Family Totals

There are 238 Tristan da Cunha Islanders.

Presently, 17 Resident Islanders are overseas.

There are an additional 54 people living on the island, including expatriate workers and their families and visitors.

So there are 275 people currently living on Tristan da Cunha or visiting the surrounding islands.

Occasionally there are changes to the resident islander total as people re-gain or lose residency status.

Surname Male Female Total
Bredell 1 0 1
Collins 0 1 1
Glass 16 17 33
Green 32 30 62
Hagan 2 5 7
Lavarello 5 7 12
Repetto 16 18 34
Rogers 12 13 25
Squibb 2 2 4
Swain 26 33 59
Total 112 126 238
Population figures are maintained by Cynthia Green.

Tristan da Cunha residents at home and overseas

This chart shows the change over time in the number of Tristanians with residency status, whether living on the island or temporarily overseas for medical, educational or other reasons. It does not include Tristanians who have left the island permanently and lost their residency status.
Please note: This chart reflects the population changes resulting from every ship transport from September 2016 onwards. Unfortunately, only a small number of historical data points are available before that date.

People Living on Tristan da Cunha

This chart shows the change over time in the number people actually living on Tristan da Cunha, whether native islanders or expatriate workers and their families. It excludes islanders who are temporarily living overseas. It also does not include transient visitors on cruise ships, yachts and other vessels, who are normally only on Tristan for a day or two. It does, however, include visitors on the annual SA Agulhas II voyage, who stay for about three weeks.
Please note: This chart reflects the population changes resulting from every ship transport from September 2016 onwards. Unfortunately, only a small number of historical data points are available before that date.

Population Pyramid

Population Pyramid for Tristan da Cunha