The RMS St Helena arrived at Tristan on the 19th April 2016, but bad to head for shelter from the weather instead of landing passengers.

Huge disappointment as RMS St Helena fails to land passengers

Plans for the final visit of the RMS on hold as Tristan prays for a break in the weather.

RMS St Helena arrived at Tristan at 10.00 GMT on Tuesday 19th April to a windy, rainy Tristan. Barely visible, she sailed by blowing her horn twice, as she headed off to the Outer Islands.

Administrator Alex Mitham said 'Headaches all round - terrible weather and its getting worse with gales predicted until next week. RMS may not able to land.'

The island community has been getting everything ready for this long-awaited final visit of the RMS, designed to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Tristan being part of Britain. Aboard, still hoping to lead the visit ashore, is St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Governor-Elect Lisa Phillips.

Shirley Squibb's photo shows the RMS St Helena steaming past the Settlement at 10.00 GMT on 19th April.
See the 2016 RMS St Helenapage for more.