The MV Edinburgh arrived at Tristan da Cunha from Cape Town on the 7th April 2016.

Dual Departures for Tristan with a total of only 10 passengers

Report from Cynthia Green updated on 8th April

MV Edinburgh departed from Cape Town at 6.30pm on Thursday 31st March and arrived Tristan 08.30 GMT on Wednesday 7th April. Calm conditions allowed passengers to come ashore soon afterwards. They were: Islanders Judith Green, Ivan Green, Justin Green and Riaan Repetto, Dr. Mohammed Sulamain, Simon Browning (ENT Specialist), Jacoba-Kumi Joubert (Nurse) and Bishop Garth Counsell. Offloading started at 09.00 GMT. February Tristan Newsletters arrived on this ship and will be distributed to island families soon.