Visit to the British Forces Broadcasting Service
Report and photos from Nicky Swain
I am the Deputy Head of the Telecommunications Department on Tristan da Cunha. During a recent visit to the UK, me and my son Ryan (who also works for the Telecommunications Department) got the opportunity to visit our broadcasting provider BFBS (British Forces Broadcasting Services) in London.
On Tuesday 30th April 2024 we travelled to the BFBS headquarters in Chalfont Grove for a meeting with Nick Beer the Director of Development and Strategy, who is also our main contact regarding our system on Tristan, and other members of his team.
Afterwards we were given a tour of the department and a briefing on how the system operates. BFBS have been supporting Tristan da Cunha with TV and Radio channels for over 20 years. They have just recently replaced one of the five channels broadcasting on the Island, and this seems to be going down well with the Islanders.