Photographs of Leon Glass's 40th Birthday celebrations.

Family News

Leon Glass's 40th Birthday

Photos from Kelly Green

Leon Glass celebrated his 40th birthday on Friday 1st April 2022 at the Prince Philip Hall.

The family also celebrated Rosslin Behrens 9th birthday on the same day in advance of her actual birthday in June.

The Prince Philip Hall located in the centre of the village was decorated for the event and family and friends spent the day preparing for guests arriving in the evening.

An enjoyable day was had by all to mark the special occasion.

Leon's birthday cake Leon, partner Stacey-Lee White and children Rosslin and Riley
Leon with parents Conrad and Sharon Glass Rosslin's 9th birthday cake
Leon with his grandmother Catherine Glass and aunt Gracie Glass Leon with his godmother Sheila Glass
Leon with his godparents (L-R): James Glass, Jack Green, Sheila Glass & Brenda Swain Leon with his partner and godchildren