UNESCO publishes short film showcasing the World Heritage Sites Ocean Day Pledge made in June 2017

Film showing Kieran Glass in New York

Kieran Glass prominent in new UNESCO film

UNESCO photo of Prince Albert of Monaco giving Tristan Islander Kieran Glass
a 'High Five' during World Oceans Day on 8th June 2017

Following our website report and feature in the August 2017 Tristan da Cunha Newsletter, a new film has been published by UNESCO in September 2017 which can be viewed by following this link:

UNESCO film featuring Kieran Glass at New York World Ocean Day Event

Kieran and his grandmother Felicity arrived back on Tristan aboard MFV Geo Searcher on 31st August 2017 after their epic trip to UK and USA. They departed Tristan on the maiden voyage of the Geo Searcher back on 25th April, so have been away from the island for over over four months. This puts into perspective how signifificant it was that a 10 year old school boy from the world's most isolated community could so ably represent the island by promoting the Gough and Inaccessible Island Woirld Heritage Site at the prestigious World Ocean Day on 8th June.

UNESCO photo of a model boat displayed in the New York Explorer's Club
which was signed by Kieran (left sail centre bottom)
and other UNESCO World Heritage Site representatives in June 2017.

The photos were sent by Kieran's grandfather James Glass who remains in Cape Town before his planned return to Tristan aboard MFV Edinburgh later this month. James and his wife Felicity travelled to USA with Kieran for his special trip.