July 2019 Newsletter available for download

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Gough Island Restoration Programme Update

RSPB logo The RSPB and Tristan Government are undertaking an ambitious programme of conservation action to restore Gough Island by eradicating the invasive non-native mice that are killing the island's unique seabirds. Tristan da Cunha flag



Why are we doing the eradication now?

Since the discovery of mouse predation on Gough's seabirds in 2000, we have been researching the impact and feasibility of a mouse eradication. With the feasibility assessed, the eradication is going ahead at the earliest possible date that ensures planning, contracting, funding and all necessary preparations for a successful operation are in place.

We see no sense in waiting any longer than is absolutely necessary given the threat to the island’s seabirds increases year on year.

​The operation is on track for a 2020 delivery.

​What will happen if we don’t eradicate the mice?

Mice are currently causing the loss of over two million seabird chicks every year. This is a highly unsustainable rate of decline that is leaving seabirds with breeding rates as low as 2%.

​It has been predicted that, without intervention, the two Critically Endangered species that rely on the island's breeding sites (the Gough bunting and the Tristan albatross) will go extinct. Other IUCN listed Endangered and Vulnerable species will continue in dramatic decline until they too are lost forever.


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