- Cover: Alasdair Wyllie's photo of Hillpiece & the Patches Plain from the Agulhas' helicopter
- News round-up by Tristan Administrator Sean Burns
- Competition winner Gan Erez's dream trip to Tristan
- Farming feature by Agriculture Adviser Alasdair Wyllie
- Tristan family news
- Peter Symonds College report from Janice Green, Jade Repetto and Rhyanna Swain
- Chief Islander Ian Lavarello's 2018 visit to the UK by Chris Carnegy
- Focus on Inaccessible Island wildlife by Peter Ryan
- Latest Tristan stamp issues
- The wreck of the Mabel Clark by Peter Millington
- Douglas Gane: Tristan's tireless advocate by Neil Robson
- Tristan Association news
- Photo feature showing old Tristan images for sale in 2018
44 pages of Tristan news and features, published in January 2019.