2012 Annual Gathering Photo Report
The Tristan da Cunha Association returned to the Southampton Holiday Inn for the sixth year running
for its Annual Gathering on Saturday 14th April 2012.
A full report will appear in the August 2012 Newsletter but here is a photo feature of the event
which was a record in terms of attendance and scope of the programme
Photos from Ann Ashworth, Mike Faulds and Peter Millington |
The hotel was fully booked
and many gathered together
for dinner on Friday night
including this full table of members
in the main hotel restaurant. |
Checking in and having a coffee
on arrival on Saturday
Ron and Ian get the auction items ready
The informal morning session
included viewing the auction items,
souvenir and book stalls, and the showing of five Tristan films in a separate room |
Robin Webb's chart showing
an alternative site for Calshot Harbour provided a focus for debate |
Tristan ties and raffle prizes
A selection of tables after
lunch in the hotel restaurant
Annual General Meeting
Above: Michael Swales presides
over the event
Left: Ian Mathieson balances the books
Right: Brian Frederick updates
us on the Education Trust Fund
Our Speaker
Brad Robson
from the RSPB
Vote of Thanks
from former Tristan Administrator
Mike Hentley |
The usual tea was enhanced
this year with a special
25th Anniversary
enjoyed by all
Below: Auctioneer Ron Burn
on good form as always.
The auction raised £718
for the
Tristan Education Trust Fund
63 attended the Annual Dinner
and more arrived later
for the Dance
We are already starting to plan the 2013 Annual Gathering which will again take place at the
Southampton Holiday in on the Saturday after Easter which is 6th April.
We will make an announcement on the website when accommodation can be booked (note the hotel was again full this year) and when day tickets can be ordered.
We may have to restrict numbers as we were close to capacity for both the day event and dinner dance in 2012.
So why not join the party next year? |