Awards for specific achievements were presented at the end of term assembly at the school.

End of 2019 Term 1 St Mary's School

Report and photos from Clare Ryan

Prize winners from each class at St Mary's School

Prize winners from each class

Friday 3rd May 2019 was the end of Term 1 for pupils and staff at St Mary's School. As usual, we celebrate the end of term by recognising specific achievements made by the pupils. During each term, pupils are awarded award points for good work, a good attitude, and generally working hard. The pupil(s) from each class who achieved the most points won a prize! Prize winners this term were Tyler, Savanna, April, Lucas, Amber, Shannon, Tristan and Chantelle. Pupils who had been filling plastic bottles with waste plastic were also recognised by Miss Marina and Mr Richard who have been coordinating the plastic bottle project in school. Children received prizes in recognition of their bottle stuffing efforts! Presenting the Endeavour Cup and Certificate
The Endeavour Cup was awarded to Ryan for working hard, particularly in Maths, and striving to make good progress. Ryan is on Nightingale at the moment, so the cup was accepted by his younger brother (above). The assembly ended by wishing Chloe and Nathan good luck for their IGCSE exams that started on Thursday and continue over the next month or so. Thanks were also made to Miss Marina who has helped cover during Mr Peter's absence.

Students receiving prizes for filling plastic bottles with waste plastic.

Students receiving prizes for filling plastic bottles with waste plastic.