First 2020 MFV Edinburgh voyage
Departure from Tristan
Report from Cynthia Green
Weather was good on Friday for offloading MFV Edinburgh so the cargo was all brought ashore by 7pm, which may be a record!!
The following passengers boarded the ship at 3pm on Saturday 25th January 2020 and she sailed for Cape Town at 3.40pm:
Islanders Eugene, Kirsty, Aiden & Ella Repetto and Conrad Glass; Sean & Marina Burns, Owen Snell, Jerome Cupido and Dawid Visagie.
Fiona Kilpatrick was sworn in at the Residency on Friday evening to become the island's first lady Administrator, as she will be taking the first three months as Administrator in a Joint Administration arrangement with her husband Steve Townsend.
Arrival at Tristan
MFV Edinburgh arrived at Tristan early afternoon on Thursday 23rd January 2020 and passengers came ashore at about 16.00 GMT. As conditions look good for off-loading the return voyage may be brought forward from the planned date of Friday 31st January. Edinburgh's arrival heralds a busy time for the island, as Joint Administrators Fiona Kilpatrick and Steve Townsend will be taking over from Sean Burns. The ship brings the first fresh fruit and vegetables to be imported to Tristan for nearly two months.
MFV Edinburgh off Tristan in February 2018
Report from Cynthia Green
MFV departed from Cape Town as scheduled during the afternoon of Thursday 16th January 2020.
Passengers on board are Islanders Joseph and Anne Green and Ken and Judy Green; New Joint Administrators Fiona Kilpatrick and Steve Townsend, Social Worker Samantha Lowe, Dr Silva Paz and Omar Morales Guiterrez, English Teacher Dan Jones, Harbour Engineer Gerhard Kapp and Nurse Gift Chizema.
This voyage is a passenger and cargo voyage, with the ship expected to take about seven days to reach the island and return from Tristan on 31st January. It is a significant voyage for the Tristan da Cunha Government as new Joint Administrators Fiona Kilpatrick and Steve Townsend will be replacing Tristan's longest-serving Administrator Sean Burns, who, with his wife Marina have served two terms, first arriving on Tristan in November 2010.