Photos of the Easter egg hunt hosted for the island's children by Marina Burns at the Residency.

Easter Egg Hunt

Report and photos by Primary Teacher Clare Ryan

Tristan children with their Easter prizes

The children with their Easter prizes

Tuesday 16th March 2019 saw the annual egg hunt take place. Hosted by Miss Marina at the Residency, the children look forward to the egg hunt each year! Ably assisted by Nathan, Chantelle, Jamie and Shannon, Miss Marina hid individually labelled potatoes around the garden. Once found, these foil wrapped potatoes could be exchanged for a bag of chocolate treats! The treats were kindly provided for the children by Richard James International. After tiring themselves out hunting for eggs, the children were grateful for a rest and a cool drink before taking part in an exciting round of potato and spoon races. Winners of the potato and spoon race were rewarded with more chocolate! The children thanked Miss Marina and her helpers for organising the event, and for Richard James International for kindly sending chocolate treats for them to celebrate Easter.

Pictures of the Easter Egg hunt and the potato and spoon races.

Pictures of the Easter Egg hunt and the potato and spoon races.