Alex Mitham travelled to Jersey on 1st June 2016 to meet the Jersey Government and discuss future training initiatives.

Government News Abroad

Administrator Alex Mitham reports on his visit to Jersey

On the 1st June 2016 I travelled over to Jersey to meet the Jersey Government and discuss future training initiatives. As readers of the website and Newsletter will know, the Island established a fruitful relationship with the Isle of Man Government several years ago, and are keen to build a similar relationship with Jersey.

Paul and Geraldine Repetto,( together with their two daughters) will be going on training (working at the States Infrastructure Department and Greffe) from October 2016 and I hope we can offer the same opportunity to more Tristanians in the future.

Left: Jersey's Assembly

I presented a TDC plaque to David Walwyn, Director of External Relations who has kindly agreed to oversee future training schemes. (see photo below left). Mark Egan, the Greffier (see photo below right), kindly showed me around the Assembly and will be looking after Geraldine's training. (The Greffier is the clerk to the States Assembly and is the closet parallel to TDC's Island Council support)