The UK Overseas Territories All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) met on 27th January 2016, followed by the UKOTA AGM.

Government News Abroad

UK Overseas Territories APPG and UKOTA Meetings in london

Report and photo from Tristan Government UK Representative Chris Carnegy

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) met on 27th January 2016 in the historic setting of a room just off Westminster Hall. It was a chance to hear the views on the Overseas Territories of the new Labour Party foreign affairs team. Shadow minister Fabian Hamilton gave a warm endorsement of the Territories' role in the British family.

Tristan's flag was on prominent display on the table, and the meeting heard updates on the harbour work and initiatives aiming to boost the island's sustainability, such as the plans to diversify agriculture and improve energy efficiency.

Photo shows the Tristan flag with left to right:
Kimberley Durrant (Bermuda), Albert Poggio (Gibraltar), Andrew Rosindell MP (APPG Chair), Fabian Hamilton MP and Sukey Cameron (Falklands).
Also on 27th January, the UK Overseas Territories Association (UKOTA) AGM took place in London when Chris Carnegy was re-elected as Treasurer and the new Chair will be Benito Wheatley from the British Virgin Islands.