Tristan Islander Hazel and husband Barry Carter start work

Website Team Update

New committee members join team

Webmaster Peter Millington and Editor Richard Grundy are delighted to welcome Hazel (nee Swain) and Barry Carter to the Tristan Government and Tristan Association website team.

Hazel and Barry were elected to the Tristan da Cunha Association Committee at the 2019 AGM in April. At the September Tristan Association committee meeting Peter demonstrated the website organisation to Hazel and Barry, after which they have begun to create and edit pages, starting with Tristan family news. It is wonderful to have an islander working on the website and also younger team members!

Hazel has lived in England since 1998. Here she met Barry and they made two trips to Tristan before returning for their marriage in St Mary's Church on Saturday 25th February 2006, a special occasion to be able to share with family, friends and the whole community of Tristan Da Cunha. The couple now live in Bournemouth

Hazel and Barry Carter

Webmaster Peter Millington is preparing to travel to Tristan da Cunha for a Christmas and New Year visit. This will give him an opportunity to show resident islanders how the website works and it is hoped that will lead to them creating and editing pages on their own website in the future.

Webmaster Peter Millington

Peter's interest in Tristan da Cunha began through his passion for folk traditions, especially those of Old Year's Night, and the island's social dances, which he tries to teach Association members at the Annual Gatherings. Therefore, Peter's second Tristan visit in 2019/20 following his first trip on the 2011 Island Sky trip, is very special as he will be able to see the mysterious Okalolies on Old Year's Night for himself after his 2011 newsletter article on the subject.

Peter started website work in May 2011 when he took over running the Post Office section, after which he extended work to Tourism, Souvenir and Handicraft sales, and later to wider community pages. Peter was elected to the Tristan da Cunha Association Committee in 2014 and became Webmaster soon afterwards, leading the re-vamp of the website to its present structure which was completed in 2016.

Co-Chair and Editor Richard Grundy

Richard was a teacher on Tristan 1982-1985, teaching Hazel, her brother and sisters. He joined the Tristan Association committee in 2004 as Newsletter Editor. Richard started in consultation with the Tristan Island Council, who, in October 2004, agreed to launch a joint Tristan Government and Association Wesbite. Richard presently concentrates on Tristan Government, Conservation, Fishing and Shipping website sections alongside his newsletter work.

Website Facts

The site went live in March 2005 and has since grown from 56 pages at the end of 2005 to 1393 pages at the end of October 2019. During that time there have been 4.4 million visits to the site, opening over 23 million pages. In 2019 the site has over 1,000 visits and over 4,500 pages viewed per day.

It is the official Tristan da Cunha Government website and is run entirely by volunteers. The Tristan da Cunha Association pays for website costs, including hosting, domain registration and SSL Certifification to enable secure pages for purchase of Tristan stamps, souvenirs and handicrafts.