Visits by SH Vega, Silver Cloud and National Geographic Explorer
Report and photos from Rachel Green
The cruise ship SH Vega arrived at Tristan early Sunday morning 19th March 2023. Immigration, officials and local guides boarded before she departed for Nightingale Island. She arrived back at Tristan later that evening to drop off the official team and anchored offshore, ready for the next morning. At 8.00am the ship's zodiacs started ferrying passengers ashore. The SH Vega was the first cruise ship to have landed passengers since the Covid epidemic started three years ago.
The tourists enjoyed various excursions around the settlement and visited the local supermarket, Albatross Bar and gift shops. At the Post Office & Tourism Centre they tasted the famous lobster sandwiches as well as purchasing handicrafts and souvenirs to take home.
Passengers in the café and gift shop |
After only being able to spend a few hours at Tristan, the SH Vega departed at approximately 12.00 noon. She also took islanders Shane, Kelly, Savannah and Seren Green on board to go to Cape Town. We wish her and her passengers well and hope to see her visit Tristan again!
The Silver Cloud arrived Monday morning 20th March but after a few attempts only a few passengers were able to come ashore. Luckily the next day the weather was calm enough for them to try again and everyone managed to get ashore. They enjoyed various tours around the village and had a lovely day exploring the island. The Silver Cloud departed later that afternoon for Cape Town.
Silver Cloud gave oranges for all the children on Tristan | Silver Cloud expedition crew heading back to the ship |
The MV Edinburgh, one of our main cargo ships, also arrived late Monday morning. She did an extra trip to Tristan to refuel the National Geographic Explorer arriving on Wednesday. It was a very busy day with cruise ships arriving and at the same time offloading the MV Edinburgh.
Early Wednesday morning 22nd March, the National Geographic Explorer arrived. She started to refuel from the MV Edinburgh almost immediately whilst their zodiacs ferried passengers ashore. Once again everyone enjoyed their tours that included the 1961 Volcano, Potato Patches and St. Mary’s School. In the afternoon local guides boarded and National Geographic Explorer headed for Nightingale Island. Unable to land, they conducted zodiac cruises instead, dropping off the guide back at Tristan later that evening.
Three cruise ships in three days and everyone managed to land at Tristan! We were delighted to see them all ashore and pleased that they were able to enjoy this very unique and rare opportunity to visit the remotest island in the world.