News of some of the special services held in Tristan's churches in recent months.

Recent Special Services in Tristan's Churches

Reports and photos from James Glass, Rachel Green and Carlene Glass-Green

News of some of the special services held in Tristan's churches in recent months.

Seafarer's Day

On Sunday the 28th June 2020, St Joseph's Catholic Church celebrated Seafarers Day also known as Sea Sunday. Just by coincidence this also just happens to always fall on the Sunday before the start of the Tristan fishing season for the local boats, who start the lobster season on the 1st July each year and run until the 30th April the following year, or until the quota is landed.

Seafarers' Day, St Joseph's

St Joseph's Church decorated with fishing gear on Seafarers' Day

Prayers were said for the fishing fleet;

"At the beginning of the fishing season we ask God to bless all the fishermen who make their livelihood from the sea. Protect them each day as they go out and return them safely to harbour at the end of the day. We also pray for all those who work in factories processing the catch and all involved in the fishing industry on this island"

We also prayed for all those working at the sea and their families worldwide.

Fathers' Day

Father’s day was held in both St. Joseph and St. Mary’s church on Sunday the 21st June 2020.

Fathers' Day, St Joseph's

All the fathers and men in St Joseph's Church with the children

Fathers' Day, St Joseph's

Children in St Joseph's Church handing out gifts on Father's Day - Good

Harvest Festival & Mothering Sunday

St Mary's Church held a combined Harvest Festival and Mothering Sunday service on the fourth Sunday in lent, which this year was the 22nd March. The Catholics at St Joseph's have the two services on separate Sundays.

Harvest Festival altar at St Marys church

The altar at St Mary's Church decorated with island produce for the Harvest Festival

Mothering Sunday at St Mary's Mothering Sunday at St Mary's
Children receiving flowers to give to their mothers on Mothering Sunday at St Mary's Church.
They had collected the flowers earlier and the Sunday school teachers made them into bouquets.
Mothering Sunday Palm Sunday

Above: Chantelle Repetto reading a poem at St Mary's that she had written for mothers on Mothering Sunday

Palm Sunday

Right: The congregation receiving palm crosses during the Palm Sunday service at St Mary's Church