An earthquake 354.5 kms from Tristan on 6th October 2017 was no cause for alarm.

See also:

5.5 magnitude earthquake on Mid-Atlantic Ridge: 6th October 2017

Report from USGS Website

An earthquake of magnitude 5.5 occurred on 6th October 2017 some 354.5 km WNW of Tristan da Cunha on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The focus was a depth of 10km. This earthquake is part of the usual sea-floor spreading associated with the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where the African and South American tectonic plates are being pushed apart by upwelling of magma in the earth's mantle.

Tristan da Cunha is not on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge but is a hot-spot volcano and part of the asisemic Walvis Ridge. We are reporting the event to re-assure friends of the island, as media sources quote that it is in the 'Tristan da Cunha region'. Nevertheless it is insignificant for the island community, and was not felt in the village. Therefore there is no alarm