Administrator Alex Mitham visited Germany on the 3rd June 2016 to thank the shipping company Hamburg Sud for its support.

Government News Abroad

Administrator visits Germany to thank the shipping company Hamburg Sud

Administrator Alex Mitham reports on his visit to Germany to thank the company Hamburg Sud

On the 3rd June 2016 I went to meet Hamburg Sud and present a plaque on behalf of the community – thanking them for all their support over the past few years. Hamburg Sud are the only shipping company who have assisted the island in times of need, and the community owe them a great debt of gratitude.

The photo right shows, from left to right – Sebastian Diedrich, Hasene Mitham, Alex Mitham,
Tim Berben (Operations Manager) and Thomas Geberauer.

The inscription on the plaque reads:

In recognition of your support to the community of Tristan da Cunha.

For the remotest inhabited island in the world, it is immensely reassuring that you are willing to assist in times of need.

We will always reciprocate, and offer any assistance your vessels may require.

The officers and crew of Hamburg Sud have been taken to Tristan da Cunha's heart, winning respect, trust and friendship. We wish you a successful and prosperous future. Thank you.