Tristan Adminstrator Alex Mitham has returned to the UK for meetings, and his successor, Sean Burns has also returned from St Helena.

Government News Abroad

Administrators travel to UK

Tristan Administrator Alex Mitham and his wife Hasene arrived at Durban aboard the container ship Gerhard Schulte on 16th May after a six day passage from Tristan. They then flew to the UK arriving by air at London Heathrow airport on 20th May 2016. Alex will attend meetings in London and elsewhere before returning to Tristan for the final part of his three year contract which ends when he departs aboard SA Agulhas II in early October.

Sean Burns will return to Tristan for his second term as Administrator in November. Sean departed St Helena (where he was Acting Governor until Her Excellency Lisa Phillips was sworn in as Governor on 25th April 2016) with his wife Marina aboard the RMS St Helena on Sunday 22nd May and will arrive in Tilbury a fortnight later on Sunday 5th June.