An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 was reported 404 km (251 miles) NNW of Tristan da Cunha on 4th February 2013 at at a depth of 10km.

Earthquake Report - 4th February 2013

An earthquake of magnitude 4.6 was reported 404 km / 251 miles NNW of Tristan da Cunha (33.99 S 14.713 W )at 11.48 GMT on 4th February 2013 at at a depth of 10km.

The earthquake is typical of regular earth movements associated with sea-floor spreading along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge., probably associated with transform faults.

The Tristan da Cunha Volcano (the whole island of Tristan da Cunha is a single volcanic cone) is not (despite many reports to the contrary) a Mid-Atlantic Ridge feature, but a separate 'Hot Spot' volcano arising from a deep magma mantle plume.

Reports indicate the earthquake occurred in the 'Tristan da Cunha Region' as typically the nearest populated area is noted in these circumstances. Nevertheless the seismic event does not threaten the Tristan da Cunha Islands.