Tristan da Cunha rock lobster fishing quotas have been set for the 2015/16 season, reduced from previous seasons.

Fish quotas for catches of Tristan Lobster for 2015/16

with the previous two seasons' quotas for comparison.

Island Seasonal Quota (tonnes)
2015/16 2014/15 2013/14
Tristan 120 161 q65
Gough 105 100 95
Inaccessible 77 73 70
Nightingale 70 65 65
Totals 372 399 390

The Tristan da Cunha Fishery has the top international standard Marine Stewardship Council accreditation. A crucial part of this is a sustainable fishery with dynamic quotas based on fish samples to ensure future stock and a healthy future for the Tristan economy, so heavily dependent on income from fishing. So quotas will be expected to fluctuate.

Re-certification is taking place during 2015 and a MSC workshop has concluded in Cape Town during November 2015. We look forward to publishing positive results from this exercise before long.