The MVF Edinburgh departed Tristan for Cape Town on 27th September 2018.

September - October Edinburgh Voyage

Report from Cynthia Green

Collette Halter-Pernet's photo shows MFV Edinburgh off Tristan on 18th February 2018

Departure from Tristan

The MFV Edinburgh sailed for Cape Town late in the evening of Thursday 27th September 2018. Passengers on board are: Islanders Terence Green, Marion Collins, Emma & Tyler Swain, Grant Green & Carlene Glass-Green, Lewis Glass, and visitor Peter Crossley.

Arrival at Tristan

The MFV Edinburgh arrived at Tristan late in the evening of 19th September 2018. Passengers came ashore just after 9:00am the next morning and offloading started.

The Edinburgh is not fishing on this voyage, so as soon as the weather is suitable to backload cargo and pump fuel she will return to Cape Town. Looking at the weather forecast, this may be Thursday 27th September.

Departure from Cape Town

The MFV Edinburgh departed Cape Town on Wednesday 12th September at 18:00hrs. Passengers on board are: Islanders Ian Lavarello, Dilys Green & Rhoda Rogers; Dr. Alex & Sally Wonner, Social Worker; Andrew Dawson, Marine Biologist; Dr. Robert Mrowicki, and visitors Tobias Nolle, Gan Erez, Susan Cooper and Steven Taylor.