First passengers come ashore on the 4th January 2018.

RMS St Helena arrives at Tristan

Report from Dawn Repetto

RMS St Helena arrived at Tristan da Cunha early on 4th January 2018.

Sea conditions prevented anyone coming ashore until HE Governor Lisa Phillips came ashore by RIB at about 10.30 GMT, followed later by  a group of returning islanders, who were brought ashore by 13.00 GMT.

Photos show:

Above Left- First offloading of the RMS St Helena
at 10.30 GMT;

Above: HE Governor Lisa Phillips and Administrator Sean Burns on A RIB entering Calshot Harbour:

Left: Lisa Phillips stepping ashore to be welcomed by Marina Burns.

Photos show:

Above: Islander Rachel Green smiling
as she comes home for the first time in five years
after studying in Cape Town;

Above Right and Right:
Rachel being greeted by family
and friends on the habour-side.

RMS St Helena's arrival on 4th January

RMS St Helena arriving at Tristan early morning on 4th January 2018

The RMS St Helena arrived at Tristan da Cunha from Cape Town at 06.40 on Thursday 4th January. Sea conditions were not good, so the RIB team met and decided to postone a decision to offload passengers until later. Whilst Calshot Harbour was workable, there is a swell at the RMS' anchorage which would make loading difficult.
RMS St Helena arriving at Tristan for the last time. The RIB team meeting with Administrator Seran Burns (far right) to dicscuss offloading with the RMS Master.