Tristan in the grip of winter weather on 22nd July 2018

Snow covers higher cliffs above Settlement Plain

Report and Photos from Shirley Squibb taken on Sunday 22nd July 2018

Snow lying on high cliffs and above in Hottentot Gulch as viewed from the Settlement

     The community woke to the Base white with snow on Saturday morning and temperatures plummeting below five degrees. Although it was calm and the sun was shining, with every shower more snow fell on the mountain creeping closer to the plateau. This is an unusual occurrence with elders saying that they do not remember there ever being this much snow, if any, in July before.

     As the hail rattled on the roof-tops Saturday evening, islanders huddled in their snug homes away from the cold, waking Sunday to another frosty day. People wrapped up warm as they headed out to the Valley to feed their cattle, some venturing as far as the Potato Patches to show their children the snowfall. With icy showers and hail throughout the day, once their outdoor chores where completed most of the community opted for a day indoors next to their heaters.

Sleet and snow falling in a view taken from Straight Bushes looking towards
Hillpiece and The Valley

View from the Potato Patches showing extensive snow on the upper cliff slopes.
The mountain cliffs are at their highest in this area, with the edge of the Base being approximately 4000ft
above sea level. Therefore the snow-line is about 3500ft.

Another view of the snow lying on upper cliff slopes from the Potato Patches

A rainbow above the Potato Patches during a storm of rain and sleet