Report and photos of the visit of the MV Silver Cloud to the Tristan Islands on 13th March 2018.

Visit of the MV Silver Cloud to Tristan on 13th March 2018

Report and Photos by Shirley Squibb

 MV Silver Cloud

The cruise ship MV Silver Cloud sailed into Tristan just after 7am on the morning of Tuesday 13th March 2018. Although it was calm and the sea conditions good, there was mist and rain. This did not deter the visitors who were soon ashore and taking part in a tour of the 1961 Volcano and visit to the Thatched House Museum, shortly followed by a tour of Edinburgh village both starting from the harbour. Later that morning there was a bus tour and taxi ride to the Potato Patches. Guests visited the Albatross bar, Island Store, purchased souvenirs and philatelics at the Post and Tourism Centre and enjoyed a snack and beverage at Café da Cunha before departing at midday for the Outer Islands where they made a landing on Nightingale.

Silver Cloud assengers happy to be ashore on Tristan da Cunha.

Silver Cloud passengers happy to be ashore on Tristan da Cunha.

Passengers enjoying a snack and a beverage. Immigration personnel returning to shore.
Visitors enjoying a snack and a beverage in Café da Cunha. Immigration personnel returning to shore.

Busy at the gift shop and post office.

Busy at the gift shop and post office

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