November 5th sightings of seals and penguins.

Wildlife at Runaway Beach

Report and photos from Dawn Repetto

Robin and Dawn Repetto took their daughter Amber for an early summer trip to Runaway Beach on Sunday 5th November 2017. They were rewarded by sightings of penguins and seals.

An Elephant Seal keeping a watchful eye on the family

A bull fur seal
A Northern Rockhopper Penguin
emerging from the sea.

Note the flattended yellow and black tassels which give the rockhoppers a streamlined shape when swimming. Once dried out these tassels stick out and give the penguins their characteristically amazing apprearance on land.
This is shown brilliantly in Antje Steinfurth's photo, left, of a rockhopper on Nightingale Island in 2013.