A swallow was observed flying over the Tristan Settlement on 21st March 2017

Swallow sighted at Tristan

Report and photos from Shirley Squibb

Shirley reports 'There has been some excitement this morning (21st March 2017) when a swallow was sighted flying about the factory as staff arrived at work. Employees have spotted swallows, in larger numbers, in the area in the past.'

Shirley's photographs taken from near the factory on 21st March show
the swallow with its distinticive aerodynamic shape flying over the Tristan village.

Editor's Note:

Peter Ryan's Tristan Field Guide lists the barn swallow Hirundo rustica as a commonly observed vagrant bird on the islands. The birds breed in North America and migrate southwards to South America for the southern summer. Most Tristan records have been of juvenile birds. The birds catch insect prey and often perch on wires or under eaves of buildings. The barn swallow has a distinctive forked tail which can't be checked in Shirley's photos, so it is hoped others may have photos or help with a positive identification to help develop this interesting story.