Photographs of Jade Repetto and Rhyanna Swain's joint 16th Birthday celebrations.

Jade Repetto and Rhyanna Swain's 16th Birthday Party

Photos from Shirley Squibb

Jade and Rhyanna with their cakes

Jade Repetto and Rhyanna Swain
celebrated a joint 16th birthday party
on Saturday 25th March 2017
at the Prince Philip Hall.
Jade turned 16 on the 2nd March
and Rhyanna on the 24th March.

Right: Jade and Rhyanna with their cakes
Rhyanna's brother Cedric, mother Beverley and father Christopher, Rhyanna, Jade's sister Amber, father Robin, Jade and mother Dawn Jade's grandmother Marlene Swain, Rhyanna's grandmother Nora Swain, Rhyanna, Jade's grandfather Allan Swain, Jade, Jade's aunt Tordy Repetto and Rhyanna's grandmother Mary Lavarrello
With parents and family (left to right): Rhyanna's brother Cedric, mother Beverley and father Christopher, Rhyanna, Jade's sister Amber, father Robin, Jade and mother Dawn Jade's grandmother Marlene Swain, Rhyanna's grandmother Nora Swain, Rhyanna, Jade's grandfather Allan Swain, Jade, Jade's aunt Tordy Repetto & Rhyanna's grandmother
Mary Lavarrello
Donny Green, Shirley Squibb, Mark Swain, Jade, Marie Repetto, Larry Swain and Tanya Green.  Absent Matthew Green and Tina Glass Damian Swain, Rosemary Glass, Albert Green, Tracy Swain, Andrew Green, Lillie and Maria Swain, Elizabeth Rogers, Rhyanna, Sarah Glass-Green and Emma and Pamela Swain.  Absent Charmaine Swain, Sonia Williams, Karen Schreier and Norman Glass.
Jade with her godparents: Donny Green, Shirley Squibb, Mark Swain, Jade, Marie Repetto, Larry Swain and
Tanya Green. Absent: Matthew Green and Tina Glass
Rhyanna with her godparents: Damian Swain, Rosemary Glass, Albert Green, Tracy Swain, Andrew Green, Lillie and
Maria Swain, Elizabeth Rogers, Rhyanna, Sarah Glass-Green and Emma and Pamela Swain. Absent: Charmaine Swain, Sonia Williams, Karen Schreier and Norman Glass.